Yesterday I posted about spending time with my father and making memories with him… Well, on Father’s Day my boys took me Golfing at a pretty nice course. I am not a golfer. Josh is pretty good, and Jonathon is getting better all the time. Jonathon beat me by two strokes that day, and Josh beat us by almost 30 I think.
Last night while perusing through my phone’s pictures, I found these and immediately began remembering our day… I had two shots worthy of remembering that day...
My first incredible shot happened on the second hole. I was about 160 yards from the green with a tall tree about 30 yards in front of me, another tree about 20 yards beyond that, with only a small window between the two. I pulled out a 3 iron and swung hard trying to just bust through the first tree… This was my 3rd shot on a par 4.
There's my Ball, and the trees I had to hit through... |
And that's my ball! The closer one. Right THERE!
All I had to do to PAR the hole is tap the ball three
inches and put it in that hole... But I missed.
As pitiful as it is, I missed. So I bogeyed
the hole. It was my best hole of the day... | | | |
I documented my first incredible shot, the second is permanently and forever etched in my mind’s eye and Joshua’s as well. On the second one, I was about 210 yards from the green in DEEP rough with about 150 yards of water between me and an 80 foot tall tree that stood directly between me and the green. I laughed and told Josh to go up on the ridge so he could see my ball land on the green. He laughed back and told me I was crazy to even try. “IF you get over that tree, you will completely overshoot the green”, he insisted. I said, “Nope, I’m going to whack it as hard as I can with my 5 wood and it will go the distance with so much back spin it will get over the tree and drop right onto the green.” SO I took out my 5 wood and I whacked it. It went straight as an arrow directly up, barely cleared the tree, and about 2 seconds later, I heard, THUMP, followed by Josh screaming “NO FREAKING WAY!! NO WAY!!” Yup, I hit the green. Landed it about 8 feet from the cup. (Of course that was my sixth shot on a par 4, and then I three putted for a whopping 9, but it was still the best shot of the day!! Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture of that one!)
That was a FUN day, and as we were finishing up (ie after my boys had kicked my butt on the golf course) they decided this needed to be our Father’s day tradition… I don’t care if I suck on the golf course, if my boys want golfing on Father’s day to be our tradition, so be it. I’d rather have a tradition of spending time together on the golf course, getting beaten by my sons, than memories of opening ties year after year.
Speaking of Memory, I think mine is failing. As some of you know, I started quilting when I quilted a t-shirt memory quilt for Josh’s High School Graduation last year. That quilt turned into four quilts. That’s a long story, but as I was sorting through some stuff in the garage, I came across three of them. I had pieced all four before his graduation, quilted two of them but had apparently only bound one of them. I had promised him that I would quilt the other two tops after I had more practice and could do a better job, but I had completely forgotten about them. SO I bound the one that was quilted but not bound last weekend. And the other two are now on the top of my "To Be Quilted" pile.
I have posted many photos of Frappe’ “helping me quilt”. She is Jonathon’s kitten and she LOVES to play in the quilts, fabrics, threads, etc. Josh’s cats however, NEVER come play in the quilting. So, I had Josh’s quilt up on the ironing board, and all of a sudden the quilt gets yanked out of my hand and down onto the floor. I suspected Frappe’, but found Espresso AND Mocha, Josh’s cats.
Mocha, who NEVER plays in the quilts... |
And Espresso, who wants to claim she still NEVER plays in the quilts... |
When I started to take this photo they were all three there, rolling on it! |
They were rolling around, burying their faces in the quilt… It was kind of funny. And then it struck me, they KNEW this was Josh’s quilt. They hung around and played with it, tugged at it, etc. until I was done working on it. After I bound it, I tossed it into the washing machine and started working on something else, and they were gone. Frappe’ showed up a few more times, but Mocha and Espresso were done as soon as Josh’s quilt was no longer in the room!
How weird is that. Those t-shirts haven't been worn by Josh in well over a year, some of them long before that. I wonder if they actually smelled Josh on them, or if they just "recognized" it, it looks just like the first one!
And then I also ran across this group of pieces…

Some of you may have recognized these. These are some pieces from Bonnie Hunter’s
Roll, Roll, Cotton Bowl (RRCB) Mystery Quilt from last fall. While doing this quilt, working frantically to keep up with Bonnie, I cut off the tip of my middle finger and I had to back burner the project until I had healed. (DISCLAIMER: I am in no way implicating Bonnie in the cutting off of any body parts... That was completely my own doing!)
Once I was ready to start quilting again, I had other quilts I needed to work on so this went into a project box, and was forgotten about. Until last night. While I like the RRCB as designed by Bonnie, I am only about 35% done, and I have decided to be honest with myself and acknowledge that it will be a while, if ever, before I pick it up again. (There is just something about actually doing it along with everyone else that is motivating, not to mention it is no longer a mystery!) So, I have decided to use the pieces that I already have pieced (and maybe add a few more) and create a new design that will enable me to use what I have quickly.
I didn't really try to match the colors in my drawing program, I am just trying to get a conceptual idea of what I can co. So here are two of my favorite ideas that I have come up with… The square will finish at about 42x42 (and leave me with a lot of pink, green, pink rectangles), the rectangle will finish at about 36x63 (and require me to make a few more string squares...)
Leave a comment and tell me which design you like better…
Maybe next time Bonnie does a Mystery quilt I'll be able to keep up, that's a big Maybe, she is FAST!!
Until Next Time,